Half the cost and twice the benefit

Fitting water-efficiency devices in the home means more comfort and economy.

How much can you save in your home?


Normal Use          Consuption             TECNOLOGY              Consuption     

                        (litres/pers./day)                                     (l/pers./day)

Toilet                        50                  Flush cout-out                   20                   

Taps                         36                  Special nozzles                  24

Shower                      45                  Economy shower               30

Washing machine       22                  New washing machine       19

Dishwasher               3.3                  New dishwasher                 2

Others                        8                  Efficient habit                    5           

Leaks                      1.7                  Prevention                         0

TOTAL LITRES – 166                       TOTAL LITRES – 100

A 3-4 person household can save over 50,000 litres per year and over 25,000 pesetas on water and energy.

An water-efficient household…


  • Uses the plugs in the washbasin and the sink

  • Takes a shower instead of a bath

  • Only uses the washing machine and dishwasher for full loads

  • Has saving devices fitted

  • Has mixer or rapid cut-off taps

  • Has a flush cut-out in the cistern

  • Saves water used for washing food by recycling for indoor and outdoor plants.

  • Uses eco-friendly detergents

  • Mops the floor with half a bucket of water

  • Does not use the toilet as a rubbish bin

  • Educates children to respect nature and use water responsibly


A significant and permanent reduction in the water wasted in towns ensures quality drinking water, allows a wider working margin in times of drought and considerably reduces the economy and environmental costs generated in urban areas.







You can now buy showers and taps that enable substantial savings on water and energy, and they are much more comfortable than you might imagine.


These provide a more comfortable massage than traditional showers while saving up to 50% on water an energy. And they put an end to problems involving scale, blockages and low pressure, too.


This enables you to turn off the shower while soaping and still maintain the water temperature.


A tap nozzle that produces a heavy jet of water and bubbles, enabling 40% to 60% saving on water and energy.


This device featuring jet and shower functions facilitates washing dishes and vegetables in the sink. Saving of up to 40% on water and energy.


The new water-saving cisterns with 3-litre partial flush and 6-litre full flush work efficiently. But if you don´t want to change your old cistern, this can easily be fitted with a flush cot-out device that does the same job.


Now electrical appliances consume less and have improved features. If you´re due for a change, choose a washing machine with a 55-litre(or under) wash, a dishwasher with a 22-litre (or under) wash and a modern water heater fitted with a mini storage device.


Install an individual water meter. The property law recognizes your right to pay for what you use only. Get the reductions you deserve for using water responsibly.



Gardens and Plants



Plants and gardens are best cared for by time-control, drop-by-drop or multi-drop systems. This last method is an underground system comprising a porous rubber tube that constantly moistens the ground. The soil absorbs the moisture released from the tube, preventing evaporation by sun or wind. Applied in agriculture, football grounds, golf courses, parks and gardens, etc., the multi-drop system obtains savings of up to 90%.


These reduce the need for watering by over 20%, increasing salt and mineral solubility and improving soil moisturization. They enhance plant growth by eliminating the mineral deposits that block the pores in the roots and keeping clean the entire irrigation system: tubes, droppers, sprinklers, etc.


The use of chlorine in pools is dying out. New technologies provide improved disinfection and longer-lasting hygienic conditions, plus a considerable reduction in chemical products and a huge saving on water clean out of season.


Use a 5g/litre salt concentrate- the equivalent of human tears- to generate chlorine in a closed circuit. This prevents eye and skin irritation. The water has a useful life is over 5 years and refilling will only be required to compensate loss through evaporation and filter cleaning.

Ultraviolet (UV)

The  water is disinfected by a UV-ray lamp system. This improves the level of disinfection and keeps the water healthier for longer.




  • Check all taps in the house for dripping. A drippy tap can waste up to 90 litres of water a week!



  • Place a plastic bottle of water in the WC cistern, and you can save up to 2 litres of water every time you flush the toilet.


  • Take a 5-minute shower instead of a bath. You can save up to 700 litres a week.


  • Wash your car in an automatic carwash. They are built to be more efficient than hosing your own car down!
  • Check your WC cistern for leaks by pouring some food colouring into the tank, If the colouring appears in the bowl within half an hour, it means your cistern leaks and you´re wasting water!

    - Avoid flushing if it is not absolutely necessary. Flushing a tissue down the toilet, for example, is not worth wasting 10/12 litres of water!

    - Check your plumbing installations regularly, and don´t forget to close the mains supply tap when you plan to leave home for a time.

    - Don´t leave the tap on while you shave, while cleaning your teeth, etc. If you cleaned your teeth3 times a day with the tap on, you would waste over 10000 litres of water a year!

  • If you wash fruit or vegetables under a running tap, you waste double the amount of water, compared to filling a bowl with water and washing in it.


Don´t use running water to defrost frozen food. Take frozen items out of the freezer the day before or use a microweave oven.

- Ask your plumber or technician to install water saving devices so you can save up to 50% of water and power: profilers, flow reducers, efficient showerheads, WC cistern devices, etc.

- Keep a bottle of cold water in the fridge instead of running the tap every time you want cool water!

- Grow plants adapted to dry conditions in your garden. Remember it is forbidden to use tap water for irrigation purposes or to fill your swimming pool.

- Play an active role in water saving, giving others advice if you see them making inappropriate use of scarce water supplies. You can even call the Municipal Water Service on 902 41 01 02.

- Follow the advice given in water saving campaigns and by your Town Council so that we can all help to use this scarce local resource more efficiently.

If you have any more suggestions for saving water, why not send them in to us?


¡ Turn that tap off !





Plaza del portal, 1

E-03720 Benissa

Tel.: 639135789

Fax.: 965732840

Email : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.







The service carries out a permanent awareness campaign “Turn the tap off!” consisting in:

  - Putting up posters about the campaign.

  - Handing out pamphlets in six languages with information and tips on how to save water. 

- Handing out pamphlets with information on devices that reduce water consumption.










   - Including in the water bills tips and information on banned water uses. 

   - Handing out of stickers with tips and information.









 - Warnings to users when metre readings detect consumptions of over 85 m3 over two months, in order to avoid excessive water consumption and detect, on many occasions, water leaks that the user had not noticed.

   - Letters to those users whose consumption has surpassed 85 m3 in order to reiterate the warnings mentioned above.

Water analysis


Disinfection station using chlorine gas in the Collao tanks.

In this section, you can download the analysis of the water in the Benissa municipal water network, carried out in accordance with the provisions of Real Decreto (Royal Decree) 140/2003, of 7 February, establishing the sanitary criteria for the quality of water for human consumption.

On 16 June 2008, the Environmental Quality section of the Regional Ministry for the Environment, Water, Development and Housing issued a favourable report on the self-control protocol and management of the supply areas through sensory examinations, analysis of control and complementary inspections.

The tests used here had previously been validated by the state Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs through the SINAC (Sistema de Información Nacional de Aguas de Consumo, the National Information System of Water for Consumption) programme.

Sampling locations:

Wells: Complete annual analysis, performed in June.

Collao tanks: The sample is collected from the outlet of the tanks, as that water is already treated with chlorine. The frequency of sampling is in the management protocol.

Collao tanks network: The sample is collected in the Portal no. 1 marker. End of network. The frequency of sampling is in the management protocol.

Benimarco tank: The sample is collected from the outlet of the tanks, as that water is already treated with hypochlorite. The frequency of sampling is in the management protocol.  

Benimarco tank network: The sample is collected in Av. la Marina, no. 290. End of network. The frequency of sampling is in the management protocol.


Download this file (2016-09-16 Red Collao (A. control).pdf)2016-09-16 Red Collao (A. control).pdf
Download this file (2016-09-16 Red Benimarco (A. control).pdf)2016-09-16 Red Benimarco (A. control).pdf
Download this file (2016-09-16 Depósito Collao (A. control).pdf)2016-09-16 Depósito Collao (A. control).pdf
Download this file (2016-09-16 Depósito Bernimarco (A. control).pdf)2016-09-16 Depósito Bernimarco (A. control).pdf
Download this file (2016-08-02 Red Collao (A. control).pdf)2016-08-02 Red Collao (A. control).pdf
Download this file (2016-08-02 Red Benimarco (A. control).pdf)2016-08-02 Red Benimarco (A. control).pdf
Download this file (2016-08-02 Depósito Collao (A. control).pdf)2016-08-02 Depósito Collao (A. control).pdf
Download this file (2016-08-02 Depósito Benimarco (A. control).pdf)2016-08-02 Depósito Benimarco (A. control).pdf
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Download this file (2016-06-17 Pozo M. Torres (A. completo).pdf)2016-06-17 Pozo M. Torres (A. completo).pdf
Download this file (2016-06-17 Pozo Corralet (A. completo).pdf)2016-06-17 Pozo Corralet (A. completo).pdf
Download this file (2016-06-17 Pozo Canor (A. completo).pdf)2016-06-17 Pozo Canor (A. completo).pdf
Download this file (2016-06-17 Depósito Collao (A. control).pdf)2016-06-17 Depósito Collao (A. control).pdf
Download this file (2016-06-10 Depósito Collao (A. control).pdf)2016-06-10 Depósito Collao (A. control).pdf
Download this file (2016-05-27 Red Collao (A. control).pdf)2016-05-27 Red Collao (A. control).pdf
Download this file (2016-05-27 Red Benimarco (A. control).pdf)2016-05-27 Red Benimarco (A. control).pdf
Download this file (2016-05-27 Depósito Collao (A. control).pdf)2016-05-27 Depósito Collao (A. control).pdf
Download this file (2016-05-27 Depósito Benimarco (A. control).pdf)2016-05-27 Depósito Benimarco (A. control).pdf
Download this file (2016-04-22 Depóstio Collao (A. control).pdf)2016-04-22 Depóstio Collao (A. control).pdf
Download this file (2016-03-11 Red Collao (A. control).pdf)2016-03-11 Red Collao (A. control).pdf
Download this file (2016-03-11 Red Benimarco (A. control).pdf)2016-03-11 Red Benimarco (A. control).pdf
Download this file (2016-03-11 Depóstio Collao (A. control).pdf)2016-03-11 Depóstio Collao (A. control).pdf
Download this file (2016-03-11 Depósito Benimarco (A. control).pdf)2016-03-11 Depósito Benimarco (A. control).pdf
Download this file (2016-02-19 Depósito Collao (A. completo).pdf)2016-02-19 Depósito Collao (A. completo).pdf
Download this file (2016-02-19 Depósito Collao (A. control).pdf)2016-02-19 Depósito Collao (A. control).pdf
Download this file (2015-12-22 Depósito Collao (A. control).pdf)2015-12-22 Depósito Collao (A. control).pdf
Download this file (2015-12-22 Depóstio Benimarco (A. completo).pdf)2015-12-22 Depóstio Benimarco (A. completo).pdf
Download this file (2015-11-20 Red Benimarco (A. control).pdf)2015-11-20 Red Benimarco (A. control).pdf
Download this file (2015-11-20 Depósito Collao (A. control).pdf)2015-11-20 Depósito Collao (A. control).pdf
Download this file (2015-11-20 Depósito Benimarco (A. control).pdf)2015-11-20 Depósito Benimarco (A. control).pdf
Download this file (2015-10-23 Red Collao (A. control).pdf)2015-10-23 Red Collao (A. control).pdf
Download this file (2015-10-23 Depósito Collao (A. control).pdf)2015-10-23 Depósito Collao (A. control).pdf
Download this file (2015-09-18 Red Collao (A. control).pdf)2015-09-18 Red Collao (A. control).pdf
Download this file (2015-09-18 Red Benimarco (A. control).pdf)2015-09-18 Red Benimarco (A. control).pdf
Download this file (2015-09-18 Depósito Collao (A. control).pdf)2015-09-18 Depósito Collao (A. control).pdf
Download this file (2015-09-18 Depósito Benimarco (A. control). .pdf)2015-09-18 Depósito Benimarco (A. control). .pdf
Download this file (2015-08-14 Red Benimarco (A. completo).pdf)2015-08-14 Red Benimarco (A. completo).pdf
Download this file (2015-08-14 Depósito Collao (A. control).pdf)2015-08-14 Depósito Collao (A. control).pdf
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